Our Programs

CBNDC is committed to empowering underserved communities through four principal areas of focus: advocating for equitable finance policies to drive economic growth, shaping healthcare policies for accessible quality care, influencing education policies for equal opportunities and outcomes, and developing housing and urban planning policies for sustainable community development. These focused efforts aim to create lasting positive change and promote prosperity in African American and other underserved communities across the nation.


economic policy

We concentrate on analyzing, developing, and advocating for economic policies that encourage nationwide economic growth and stability in underserved communities. This includes initiatives to improve access to capital, financial literacy, and investment in community development.

Healthcare Policy

Our focus here is on shaping healthcare policies that ensure equitable access to quality healthcare for African American communities. This encompasses addressing disparities in health outcomes, promoting preventive healthcare, and ensuring that these communities have a voice in healthcare policy decisions.

education policy

We are committed to influencing education policies that foster equal educational opportunities and improve outcomes for students in underserved communities. This includes advocating for equitable funding, enhancing curriculum relevance, and supporting policies that close the educational achievement gap.

Housing and Urban planning

Our efforts in this area aim to develop housing and urban planning policies that support sustainable community development. This includes affordable housing initiatives, neighborhood revitalization projects, and urban planning practices that meet the unique needs of the communities we serve.